SST 120

Outboard Racing

SST 120 was  a premier racing class world wide.  We have been working on this engine ever since it was introduced in 1989. My brother Jerry won the first title event at the Kankakee Nationals for the then new SST 120 engine. I worked for 5 years at Mercury Racing were I tested the did all the work on the new (current) piston design. I know this engine well as a builder, and I know it well from a detailed manufacturing stand point. I know what the factory did and why. I have assisted in training the Tech inspectors in APBA, and in UIM.  I know how far you can push, and where the line is, so you do not cross it.   No where else can you get this experience. 

There are some very key areas in the SST 120 engine. We can actually measure your parts in a special layout we have developed.  This is an evaluation of all ports of each cylinder, stroke of each cylinders, Connecting rod diameters and lengths. Pistons clearances with bore sizes.
I can tell you if you have possible winning equipment just by doing this layout. It is possible we would recommend some different components.  Some of these parts have very large manufacturing tolerances. To have a winning engine in this very competitive class , these details have to be in a much narrower range. There is a certain set of good numbers you must have to win. Some parts are correctable with in the rules. Some are not.

As the rules have changed, so has the things we can do to help you. Best to give us a call and discuss options for stepping up your program.

Bench Evaluation …………………………….……….$350
Disassemble, evaluate all measurements and document only.
Reassemble after cleaning parts if further work is not done by WPT………………………………………………….…$250

Race Prep SST 120……………………………………$1500
Plus parts and special machining required, such as boring or sleeving.
Prepare Quality, Legal Race Engine using techniques acquired from 40 years of preparing race engines.  Each engine is prepared to the best of the ability of the parts provided. New parts will be recommended when required for your approval. It is our goal to make every engine, a winning engine.